9:00-10:00 North Hall D, Lower Level Video Games Turn 25: A Historical Perspective and Vision for the Future(基調講演) Satoru Iwata (Nintendo Co., Ltd.)
10:30-11:30 Room 135, North Hall Yu Suzuki's Gameworks: A Career Retrospective(ゲームデザイン) Mark Cerny (Cerny Games) and Yu Suzuki (SEGA)
1:30- 2:30 Room 135, North Hall Development Process of Nintendo 3DS(ゲームデザイン) Hideki Konno (Nintendo)
4:30- 5:30 Room 135, North Hall Classic Game Postmortem - PAC-MAN(ゲームデザイン) Toru Iwatani (Namco)
9:00-10:00 Room 135, North Hall DONKEY KONG: Swinging Across Oceans(ゲームデザイン) Chris Voellmann (Retro Studios), Will Bate (Retro Studios), Ryan Powel (Retro Studios), Aaron Walker (Retro Studios), Bryan Walker (Retro Studios), Michael Kelbaugh (Retro Studios) and Kensuke Tanabe (Nintendo)
9:00-10:00 Room 114, North Hall IGDA Japan SIG(ラウンドテーブル) Kenji Ono (IGDA Japan)
1:30- 2:30 Room 135, North Hall PS3 and NDS, the Two Extreme FINAL FANTASY Series(オーディオ) Mitsuto Suzuki (Square Enix)
3:00- 4:00 Room 135, North Hall PS3 & Xbox360 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 2 Exploring the 'Other Side' of Super Anime-like Visual Elements Hiroshi Matsuyama (Cyber Connect 2) and Isao Takeshita (Cyberconnect)
■3月5日(金) 11:00-12:00 Room 135, North Hall The Story of CAVE STORY(ゲームデザイン) Daisuke 'Pixel' Amaya (Independent)