発表は、GDC2012の3日目に当たる現地時間の3月27日(水)の米西海岸時間の夕方に行われるIndependent Game Festivalに続けて行われるセレモニーにて発表が行われます。模様は米Gamespotにて、ストリーミング中継が行われます。
また、2月には、以下の賞も事前に発表になることになります。 Lifetime Achievement Winner(生涯功労賞) Pioneer Award Winner(パイオニア賞) Ambassador Award Winner(ゲーム産業の成長に貢献した人に向けた賞)
■Game of the Year ゲーム・オブ・ザ・イヤー Dishonored (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks) The Walking Dead (Telltale Games) Mass Effect 3 (BioWare/Electronic Arts) XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Games/2K Games) Journey (Thatgamecompany/Sony Computer Entertainment)
■Innovation Award イノベーションアワード Mark of the Ninja (Klei Entertainment/Microsoft Studios) Journey (Thatgamecompany/Sony Computer Entertainment) FTL: Faster Than Light (Subset Games) The Unfinished Swan (Giant Sparrow/Sony Computer Entertainment) ZombiU (Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft)
■Best Debut 新規スタジオ部門 Humble Hearts (Dust: An Elysian Tail) Polytron Corporation (Fez) Giant Sparrow (The Unfinished Swan) Subset Games (FTL: Faster Than Light) Fireproof Games (The Room )
■Best Downloadable Game ダウンロードゲーム部門 The Walking Dead (Telltale Games) Spelunky (Derek Yu/Andy Hull) Trials: Evolution (RedLynx/Microsoft Studios) Mark Of The Ninja (Klei Entertainment/Microsoft Studios) Journey (Thatgamecompany/Sony Computer Entertainment)
■Best Game Design ゲームデザイン部門 Dishonored (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks) Mark Of The Ninja (Klei Entertainment/Microsoft Studios) Spelunky (Derek Yu/Andy Hull) Journey (Thatgamecompany/Sony Computer Entertainment) XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Games/2K Games)
■Best Handheld/Mobile Game 携帯・モバイル部門 Gravity Rush「グラビティデイズ」 (SCE Japan Studio/Sony Computer Entertainment) Hero Academy (Robot Entertainment) Sound Shapes (Queasy Games/Sony Computer Entertainment) The Room (Fireproof Games) Kid Icarus: Uprising「新・光神話 パルテナの鏡」(Sora/Nintendo)
■Best Narrative 物語部門 Spec Ops: The Line (Yager Entertainment/2K Games) Mass Effect 3 (BioWare/Electronic Arts) Dishonored (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks) The Walking Dead (Telltale Games) Virtue's Last Reward「極限脱出ADV 善人シボウデス」 (Chunsoft/Aksys Games)
■Best Technology テクノロジー部門 Far Cry 3 (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft) PlanetSide 2 (Sony Online Entertainment) Halo 4 (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios) Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Treyarch/Activision) Assassin's Creed III (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft)