インディゲームの祭典「Independent Games Festival」にて選出されるアワードの第20回受賞作品が発表されました。各部門の受賞作品およびノミネート作品は以下の通り(☆が受賞。カッコ内は賞金額)。
Seumas McNally Grand Prize(30,000ドル)
・Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy (Bennett Foddy)
☆Night in the Woods (Infinite Fall)
・West of Loathing (Asymmetric Publications)
・Into the Breach (Subset Games)
・Heat Signature (Suspicious Developments)
・Baba is You (Hempuli)
Excellence in Visual Art(3,000ドル)
・Night in the Woods (Infinite Fall)
・Cuphead (StudioMDHR)
・Luna (Funomena)
・The Gardens Between (The Voxel Agents)
☆Chuchel (Amanita Design)
Excellence in Audio(3,000ドル)
・Tormentor X Punisher (e-studio)
・Cuphead (StudioMDHR)
・Vignettes (Skeleton Business)
・Rain World (VIDEOCULT)
☆Uurnog Uurnlimited (Nifflas Games)
・Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
Excellence in Design(3,000ドル)
・Into the Breach (Subset Games)
・Shenzhen I/O (Zachtronics)
・Wilmot's Warehouse (Richard Hogg, Ricky Haggett, Eli Rainsberry)
☆Baba Is You (Hempuli)
・Uurnog Uurnlimited (Nifflas Games)
・Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy (Bennett Foddy)
Excellence in Narrative(3,000ドル)
・Tacoma (Fullbright)
・Attentat 1942 (Charles University and Czech Academy of Sciences)
・Where the Water Tastes Like Wine (Dim Bulb Games)
☆Night in the Woods (Infinite Fall)
・Butterfly Soup (Brianna Lei)
・Tooth and Tail (Pocketwatch Games)
Nuovo Award(3,000ドル)
☆Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy (Bennett Foddy)
・Tarotica Voo Doo (TPM.CO SOFT WORKS)
・10 Mississippi (Karina Popp)
・A Mortician's Tale (Laundry Bear Games)
・Cosmic Top Secret (klassefilm)
・Everything Is Going to Be OK (Nathalie Lawhead)
・Baba Is You (Hempuli)
・Kids (Playables)
Best Student Game(3,000ドル)
・IO Interloper (DANG!)
・Don't Make Love (Maggese)
・Penny Blue Finds a Clue (DigiPen Team Cactus Curse)
・We Were Here (Total Mayhem Games)
☆Baba Is You (Hempuli)
・Guardian of the Gears (DigiPen Team Studio 76)
Audience Award(3,000ドル)
☆Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
ID@Xbox Gaming for Everyone Award
alt.ctrl.GDC Award(3,000ドル)
☆Puppet Pandemonium
SteamやHumble StoreではIGF Awardsノミネート作品のセールが行われています。